New Delhi: Amid a row over a TMC MP mimicking Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi Wednesday said he shot the video of MPs sitting outside Parliament which remains on his phone and asked why was there no discussion over MPs being "thrown out" of the House.
A huge political row broke out after Trinamool Congress leader Kalyan Banerjee derisively mimicked Dhankhar during the opposition's protest on the stairs of Parliament on Tuesday against the suspension of MPs, drawing strong condemnation from the ruling BJP. Gandhi was seen making a video of the performance by Banerjee.
Asked about him making the video and claims that the vice president was insulted, he said, "Who insulted and how? MPs were sitting there, I took their video which remains on my phone. The media continues to show it and is making remarks, Modi ji is making remarks, nobody has said anything." "Our 150 MPs have been thrown out and there is no discussion about that in the media... no discussion on Adani and on Rafale. France has said that investigation is not being allowed. There is no discussion on that, there is no discussion on unemployment, our MPs are sad, sitting there, you are discussing that." He urged the media to show some news and stressed that it is their responsibility.