Jaipur: A group of thugs offered Amazon gift cards of Rs 3 lakh to the secretariat officer by putting up a Whatsapp photo of Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Thursday. According to sources, on July 28, the cyber thugs applied Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot's photograph on Whatsapp display picture and demanded Rs 3 lakh from the secretariate officer.
Deputy Secretary Naresh Vijay has lodged a complaint regarding this matter. The message of a free Amazon gift was sent to Naresh from a new phone number 96017 89128. "I am in an urgent meeting and I need money. You give me 30 amazon gift cards worth Rs 10,000 i.e. Rs 3 lakh" the message read. However, instead of sending any kind of money or Amazon gift card, Naresh Vijay complained to the higher authorities.
Also read: Faridabad: Cyber police busts gang running fake employment website
Earlier, in the Gehlot government, many WhatsApp scam cases have surfaced which used the photographs of ADG Dinesh MN and Minority Affairs Minister Saleh Mohammad, Chief Secretary Usha Sharma, along with many big police and administrative officials.