New Delhi: Meta-owned WhatsApp, after facing the longest-ever global outage that lasted for over two hours on Tuesday, was restored at around 2:15 pm in India. Down Detector noticed high "problem reports" since 12.07 pm. It had listed thousands of complaints by 1 pm, most of them about messages not going through. Some users had even reported server disconnection and the app crashing.
"We're aware that some people are currently having trouble sending messages and we're working to restore WhatsApp for everyone as quickly as possible," a Meta spokesperson said. It was not immediately clear whether the outage was reported in India or elsewhere as well. Whatsapp users from Italy and Turkey also faced similar issues.
People Coming to Twitter to see if WhatsApp is down#WhatsappDown
— Bella Ciao (Chai) (@punjabiii_munda) October 25, 2022 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">People Coming to Twitter to see if WhatsApp is down#WhatsappDown
— Bella Ciao (Chai) (@punjabiii_munda) October 25, 2022People Coming to Twitter to see if WhatsApp is down#WhatsappDown
— Bella Ciao (Chai) (@punjabiii_munda) October 25, 2022
Meanwhile, several memes have come up on prominent social media platforms about the messaging app being down. "People Coming to Twitter to see if WhatsApp is down #WhatsappDown," a Twitter user who goes by the name Bella Ciao (Chai) tweeted. TrulyMadly, a prominent social dating app tweeted, "It can be ‘Let’s take it to Instagram’ and not ‘Let’s take it to Whatsapp’ today."