Vishakhapatnam: In a rare incident in the Paderu district in Vishakhapatnam, a woman gave birth to a baby boy without ears. The baby's parents Mohanrao and Nagmani, who are originally from the Vanabangi village in the district, have been worried about the sensory abilities and the general health of their child, though the doctors at the hospital have confirmed that the child is in an absolutely perfect state of health.
The baby was born at the Paderu government hospital, initially raising concerns when it did not cry after birth. The baby's mother Nagmani was admitted to the maternity ward here this month and gave birth to the baby, which is her second born. Both of the baby's parents are mournful about his unusual abnormality. As told by the Hospital superintendent Shankar Prasad, such births are extremely rare and even the hospital authorities were shocked to have witnessed something of this sort.
The doctors, not sure of any serious conditions that might be a threat to the baby's life, shifted him to the Vishakhapatnam KGH for further tests and treatment. Doctors have said that the tests carried out so far confirm no serious threat to his life, though other tests that are underway might reveal the potential problems.
"The baby is being treated at the Neonatal Comprehensive Medical Center at KGH. Several KGH senior doctors and pediatricians are examining the baby. It was told that he has not cried since birth when he was brought to us. These kind of abnormalities are mostly caused due to genetic defects. This can happen if the mother has undergone any unusual treatments or consumed certain medications during pregnancy. But the mother has ensured that she did not undergo any treatment or expose herself to medicines without doctor's recommendations," said Dr. Neeraja, one of the Pediatricians on the baby's treatment team.
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