Mumbai: Emotional scenes were seen as Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut bid a farewell to his mother before the Enforcement Directorate arrested him on Sunday midnight for his alleged involvement in the Patra Chawl's land scam case. Raut was arrested by the ED after over six hours of questioning at the ED's zonal office in south Mumbai's Ballard Estate. In a video which is being widely shared on the Internet, Raut is seen seeking his mother's blessings while leaving home.
Raut's elderly mother is seen applying Tilak on his forehead while a composed Raut touches her feet and says goodbye to her and his wife being taken away by the ED sleuths. The ED had issued summons to Raut in the case twice earlier. The Sena leader was brought to the ED office in Mumbai, where he was seen waving his scarf and waving to the crowd.
The action follows multiple summons issued by the ED against Raut. He was summoned for questioning by the ED in a money laundering case linked to alleged irregularities in the re-development of a Mumbai 'Chawl' and related transactions involving his wife and 'associates'. Meanwhile, Rs 11.50 lakh of accounted cash was seized from Raut's residence by the ED officials during the raid on Sunday, said news agency ANI quoting sources.
In contrast to all claims, however, the Sena leader's advocate Vikrant Sabne claimed later in the day that Raut had neither been detained nor was he arrested. He further said that Raut had accepted the fresh summons issued by ED on Sunday morning and thus had gone to the agency's office to record his statement. "Some property documents were seized. No documents related to Patra Chawl were taken by them," Sabne further noted.