Bengaluru: Veteran Kannada actor Satyajit passed away on Sunday at around 2 am in Bengaluru. Satyajit (72) was suffering from a serious illness for the past few months. His left leg was amputated due to gangrene in the past. A few days ago his health condition worsened and he was admitted to Bowring Hospital in Bengaluru. Satyajit was undergoing treatment in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), however, he could not recover and he breathed his last.
The mortal remains have been brought to his residence from Bowring Hospital. The funeral will be conducted at 1.30 pm on Sunday. He had acted in over 650 films in Sandalwood, Tollywood and Bollywood. He had shared the screen space with veteran actors like Dr Raj Kumar, Dr Vishnuvardhan, Puneeth Raj and Sudeep.
Satyajit’s nee Syed Nizamuddin, who was interested in acting since his childhood, had portrayed supporting and negative roles. He had acted recently in the movie ‘Second Half’ starring Priyanka Upendra, wife of Real Star Upendra, sitting in a wheelchair after he had lost a leg due to gangrene.