Chennai: Amid the ongoing controversy around the recently released, critically acclaimed movie Jai Bhim, Vanniyar Sangam chief has moved one step forward. Vanniyar Sangam president Pu Tha Arulomozhi has now filed a private complaint at the Chidambaram Magistrate Court seeking action against actor Suriya, his wife and producer of the movie Jyothika, and Gnanavel, director of the movie, and the OTT platform Amazon Prime for releasing the movie.
The complaint has been filed on the grounds of several allegations, which include defamation and intent to cause riots. It also accuses them of tarnishing the image of the Vanniyar community through the movie. Arulomozhi said that he had initially approached the police but no action was taken, and he has therefore moved the magistrate court. The complaint was filed under the sections 153, 153A (1), 499, 500, 503 and 504 of the Indian Penal Code.
Also read: 'Jai Bhim': Vanniyar Sangam sends notice to Suriya, seeks apology and ₹ 5 Cr compensation
In his complaint, Arulmozhi said, “Surya, Jyothika and Gnanavel, with an ulterior motive, have deliberately marred the reputation and tarnished the image and respect earned by the Vanniyar community in the movie. Vanniyar is a community of people with a decent conduct, respectable character and good culture in spite of their debilitating poverty and backwardness in all spheres of life."
Also read: No intention to hurt any community: 'Jai Bhim' director over controversy
He has additionally said that the movie incites violence between two communities, threatening the public order in the society. Earlier, Vanniyar Sangam had also sent a legal notice to the producers and directors of the movie, demanding a sum of Rs5 crores for defamation.
Director Gnanavel had denied the allegations made and had explained that the sole purpose of the movie and everyone involved in it was to shed light on the struggles of the tribal community.