Firozabad: In a bizarre incident, a deceased woman in Uttar Pradesh's Firozabad was recently shown to be administered the COVID 19 booster dose several months after her death earlier this year. The issue surfaced on August 7 when her son received a message on the registered mobile number, indicating the precautionary dose had been given to Anara Devi (66), who died on March 17.
The incident coincided with a COVID vaccination camp being organised in the district on Sunday owing to a rising infection count. In a total of 321 inoculation camps carried out in the district, 27,200 people had been administered the booster dose.
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It is during this time that the vaccination message for Lzte Anara Devi, resident of Eka town in the district, arrived. "An investigation will be carried out to determine the level at which the negligence took place," Chief Medical Officer Dr Dinesh Kumar Premi said.