New Delhi: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Dhami on Monday met senior BJP leader and Union Home Minister Amit Shah and party general secretary B L Santhosh, ahead of the state assembly polls early next year. BJP's Uttarakhand unit head Madan Kaushik, party's general secretary and state in-charge Dushyant Gautam, co-incharge Rekha Verma were also present in the meeting held at Shah's residence.
Union minister Pralhad Joshi, who is also the party's election in-charge for the state, also participated in the meeting which is expected to last till late midnight. The meeting is being held just two days after Shah's visit to Uttarakhand.
Also read: Shah calls Congress 'synonymous with corruption, scams'
Earlier this year, the saffron party had changed the Uttarakhand chief minister twice in three months. Dhami, a two-time MLA from Khatima assembly in Udhamsingh Nagar, is believed to be the BJP's face in the upcoming assembly elections.