Jaipur: Two suspected local ISI agents have been arrested by the Intelligence Wing of Rajasthan Police on Saturday. Police said that the two accused-identified as Narayan Lal Gadri, a resident of Bhilwara and Kuldeep Singh Shekhawat, a resident of Jaipur- were sending information of strategic importance to their ISI handlers in Pakistan through social media.
Director General of Police Intelligence Umesh Mishra said while Gadri was arrested from Bhilwara, Shekhawat was arrested from the Pali district of the State. According to police sources Gadri provided SIM cards of Indian telecom companies to his Pakistani handlers so that they can run social media accounts using Indian numbers.
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As for Shekhawat, police said that he was working as a salesman in a liquor shop in Pali and was in constant touch with a Pakistani woman handler. "He was operating multiple social media accounts posing as women personnel of the Indian Army. Shekhawat was involved in obtaining classified information from Army jawans after befriending them on social media," said Mishra.
He also said that the two arrested were getting paid for spying and helping their Pakistani handlers. Mishra said that cases have been registered against the two accused under several sections of the IPC, the Official Secrets Act and the Information Technology Act.