Chennai: A second-year nursing student, who hailed from Erode, was found dead inside her hostel room on Saturday in Tamil Nadu's Thiruverkadu. After receiving the information, the police rushed to the spot, retrieved the body, and sent it to Kilpakkam Government Hospital for autopsy.
According to the nursing students, more than 100 students are studying at Shenbaga Nursing College near Thiruverkadu. The hostel is on the upper floor and the college is functioning on the lower floor. On Saturday, the victim girl came to the room with her friends for lunch and asked her friends to go first, then she will come behind them. But did not come for a long time. When her friends went to the room, they found her found dead and suspected suicide.
Tiruvekadu police visited the spot to initiate enquiries with the parents and fellow students and to confiscate the student’s phone to check call records and to ascertain the cause of suicide.
Meanwhile, another case of suicide came from Tamil Nadu's Villupuram where a second-year student allegedly committed suicide on Saturday. After being informed, police arrived at the spot and recovered the body of the student and sent it to Mundiyampakkam Government Hospital for autopsy.