Hyderabad: Following grave charges levelled by Congress against the way the Telangana government auctioned Kokapet's lands, Telangana Congress chief A Revanth Reddy has been placed under house arrest on Monday. While MP Revanth was about to leave New Delhi for attending Parliamentary sessions starting from today, he was placed under house arrest by Hyderabad Police since wee hours on Monday. According to the police, Reddy was planning to visit Kokapeta and they took this step as a precautionary measure to maintain law and order. Reddy's office said that he was to go to Delhi for the Parliament session but Police was deployed outside his house at 3 am and he was stopped from going out.
Along with Reddy, All India Youth Congress National General Secretary Anil Kumar Yadav has also been placed under house arrest by Hyderabad Police. Reddy had alleged that government lands auctioned last week in Kokapeta are "big scam" by the K Chandrashekar Rao government. Earlier on Saturday, Reddy had said that he will raise the issue of alleged corruption of Chief Minister and Krishna water dispute during the monsoon session of Parliament starting from today. According to Reddy, Rao has put an auction over the government lands in the state. In the e-auction that has been held, only those companies that are close to KCR have gotten the lands and none of that has been allotted to the Telangana in the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014.
Read: Turmoil in Telangana Congress over appointment of new chief
"First and foremost, I would raise the issue of corruption of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao including the land auctions of Government lands. Secondly, I would raise the issue of allotments like Railway Coach Factory, Tribal University, AIIMS, Steel factory, 4000 megawatts power project and many others that have been mentioned in the State Reorganization Act of 2014," Reddy had said. The Monsoon Session of Parliament, 2021 which begins today will continue till August 13.