Jammu: BJP national general secretary B L Santhosh asked the party's Jammu and Kashmir unit on Wednesday to gear up for assembly polls. At a meeting with senior party leaders of the Union territory, he laid emphasis on strengthening party units at booth and assembly constituency levels. He asked party in-charges to focus on winning the election in their respective areas.
The meeting came days after senior party leader and Union Home Minister Amit Shah held deliberations with party functionaries from Jammu and Kashmir in Delhi. The assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir are likely to be held this year, though there has been no official announcement yet. In his address to party leaders, Santhosh said, "A leader is born when he selflessly works for the win of others and the organisation. So you all must devote yourselves to organisational duties."
He asked the Jammu and Kashmir unit of the party to switch to election mode. The meeting was also attended by Union minister Jitendra Singh, BJP national general secretary and J&K in-charge Tarun Chugh and J&K BJP president Ravinder Raina. In his address, Singh said, "This is the first major election campaign after historic changes in J&K and hence we need to contest these elections all together." He said the BJP is the only party which has truly cared for the rights of the residents of Jammu and Kashmir.
Referring to the abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution which accorded special status to Jammu and Kashmir, he said it has paved the way for development and granting of rights to every single community. In August 2019, the Centre abrogated Article 370 and bifurcated Jammu and Kashmir into Union territories. Tarun Chugh, in his address, laid stress on reorganising the party at various levels taking into account the changes made through the delimitation exercise. He said party leaders have to work out plans in advance and implement them in a harmonious way on the ground. (PTI)