Cuddalore (Tamil Nadu): A 22-year-old Kabaddi player died of a suspected heart attack while he was playing kabaddi at Manadikuppam near Panruti of Tamil Nadu on Sunday night. The police identified the deceased, Vimalraj, who was studying second-year B.Sc Zoology in a private college in Salem district.
On July 24, a district-level Kabaddi tournament was held in the Cuddalore district of the Manadikuppam area. Vimal, a resident of Purangini village was playing for the Murattu Kaalai team and participated in the district-level Kabaddi tournament. According to the police, while playing against the opposite team, raider Vimal touched a player and tried back to cross the touchline by jumping and also scored two points.
But he suddenly collapsed on the ground within a fraction of seconds after he was pulled down by the opponent team. Following this, his teammates immediately rushed him to the Panruti General Hospital and doctors declared him brought dead. Kadampuliyur police sent the body to the Government Villupuram Mundiambakkam Medical College and Hospital for post-mortem.
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The video of Vimal playing Kabaddi is making rounds on social media. The incident of a sportsperson losing his life on the playground has caused grief in the area. The Katampuliyur police have registered a case and are investigating this incident.