Chaibasa (Jharkhand): Three security personnel were injured when an IED planted by Maoists exploded in Jharkhand's West Singhbhum district on Thursday, a senior police officer said. Based on the information that top CPI (Maoist) leaders including Misir Besra, who was carrying a reward of Rupees one crore on his head, have assembled in the jungle between Meralgada and Hathiburu villages, a joint team comprising CRPF, Jharkhand Jaguar and district armed police was rushed to the area when the IED planted by the Maoists exploded, Superintendent of Police, Ashutosh Shekhar said.
Three security personnel identified as Rakesh Pathak, B D Anal and Pankaj Yadav suffered injuries in the explosion, the SP said. The three injured jawans were airlifted to a hospital in Ranchi, where they are undergoing treatment. The condition of all the three injured jawans was stated to be stable, the SP said, adding search operation was continuing. (PTI)