Chandigarh: The Punjab Police on Monday said it has formed a three-member all-women special investigation team to probe the allegations that objectionable videos of several women students of Chandigarh University had been recorded by a hosteller. The SIT has been formed under the supervision of senior IPS officer Gurpreet Kaur Deo, police said.
The team will thoroughly probe the case and no person involved will be spared, Punjab Director General of Police Gaurav Yadav said. "Investigations are going on at full pace," he added. Three people, including a woman student, have been arrested. The DGP appealed to everyone to maintain peace and harmony. "Do not fall for unverified rumours. Let's work together for peace in society," he said. Protests had rocked the campus in Punjab's Mohali since Saturday night and they continued till early morning on Monday. (PTI)