Chikkaballapur (Karnataka): Three people died when a Canter vehicle collided with parked bikes and cars in Karnataka's Chikkaballapur on Friday morning. Four others were seriously injured in the incident. This incident took place on the National Highway-44 of Chikkaballapur taluk. Hotel security guard Narayanaswamy and bike rider Janardhan were killed in the accident. The injured have been admitted to the Chikkaballapur district hospital where they are undergoing treatment. The Canter driver lost control while trying to avoid the car coming in opposite direction and collided with the bike and cars, which are moving in front of it.
Also read: Five factory workers killed,17 critically injured in road mishap in Odisha
A pregnant woman was seriously injured and suffered a miscarriage. Another child escaped with injuries. On receiving information, Chikkaballapur SP DL Nagesh rushed to the spot. Canter driver Ajeet has been arrested and the vehicle seized. A case has been registered at Peresandra Police Station.