Agra (Uttar Pradesh): Some unidentified miscreants on Tuesday damaged the statue of Goddess Durga at a temple in a village in the Agra district of Uttar Pradesh. The idol inside the temple was installed thirty years ago. The incident happened at Dhanauli village under Malpura police station limits in Agra district of Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday, police said.
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Tension prevailed in the area after the incident. Officers from the police and district administration have been camping at the site. On Monday, devotees after rendering bhajans and kirtans as part of Navratri fete went home. But on Tuesday morning, the villagers found the idol of Goddess Durga broken. Villagers said that miscreants have been trying to vitiate the atmosphere in the area. Malpura police station Inspector Tejveer Singh said, "Efforts are on to bring the situation under control. Whosoever does this mischievous act will be taken to task. They will be identified and arrested soon."