Hyderabad: The Telangana police on Wednesday seized Rs 10 crore that was looted illegally by two cybercriminals. Both the accused identified as Abhishek Jain from Mogalsarai in Chandauli district of Uttar Pradesh and his accomplice Kannaiyya Yadav were detained by the police in Uttar Pradesh. As informed by police personnel, Jain has been involved in huge frauds, which he executed through cyber crimes under the garb of investments. He collected investments through a special app claiming whoever invests in it, will get double profits in a short span of time.
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He looted several people of crores of rupees through the said app. The Telangana police have been on the hunt for these cybercriminals for a long time. They were stationed in Mogulsarai town for a week to nab them. The residences of the local accused were raided and they were taken into custody thereafter. Further investigation into the case is underway.