Hyderabad: The Telangana government on Friday issued orders to provide employment to the brother of Damera Rakesh who died after security personnel opened fire during anti-Agnipath demonstrations that led to violence at Secunderabad railway station on June 17. Damera Ram Raju, elder brother of Damera Rakesh, should be appointed under compassionate grounds in a suitable post, as per eligibility, a Government Order (GO) said on Friday night.
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The Warangal district Collector shall take necessary immediate action, the order stated. Agitators, protesting against the Centre's Agnipath scheme, indulged in arson, stone pelting and other such incidents at the Secunderabad railway station here on June 17.
Expressing shock and sympathy over the death of Rakesh, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao had on June 17 announced Rs 25 lakh ex-gratia to the kin of the deceased. He had also announced a government job to a family member as per qualifications. (PTI)