Raipur(Chhattisgarh): A suspected Monkeypox case has been reported in Chhatisgarh's Raipur on Wednesday. The test sample has been sent for examination to the National Institute of Virology, Pune. District Medical Officer Dr Meera Baghel said, "A 12-year-old teenager had come to the OPD for examination. Upon seeing the symptoms of the patient, he was hospitalised. As soon as the suspected symptoms of Monkeypox were identified, he was immediately isolated."
The patient is a resident of the Kanker district and has been staying in a hostel run by temple management in Chhatisgarh for studies. The health officials said the samples of 18 children staying along with him had also been sent for examination. Once the test reports arrive, it would be confirmed whether Monkeypox had hit Chhattisgarh or not, added an official.
Meanwhile, the Raipur Municipal Corporation has sanitized the area, while the temple has been closed for visitors for the next one week. The 20 more students staying in the hostel have also been isolated. Meanwhile, the number of Covid infected patients is also surging in Chhattisgarh. Adding to it, the danger of Monkeypox is also lurking across the state.
Also Read: Suspected monkeypox case in Noida
So far, more than 16,000 Monkeypox patients have been found all over the world including in India.