New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has revealed that multimillionaire conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar had allegedly tried to impress Bollywood actresses Bhumi Pednekar, Sara Ali Khan and Jhanvi Kapoor through his aide Pinki Irani. The ED source said that Pinki Irani took a few actresses to Tihar to introduce them to Sukesh, but did not reveal the identity of these actresses. Pinki used to meet the actresses frequently. She told them her name was Pari.
"One BMW car took Bollywood actresses from gate number 3 of Tihar Jail. Later, Innova car took the actresses inside the jail where they met Sukesh," a source said. The source said that Sanjay Chandra of Unitech and Tihar jail officials took these actresses inside the jail. Sukesh has spent around Rs 20 crore on different models and Bollywood celebs, though a few had refused to take gifts from him.
Sukesh is currently in judicial custody. The ED has filed two charge sheets in the matter. First charge sheet was filed against Sukesh while the supplementary charge sheet was filed against Pinki Irani. It has been alleged that Pinki used to choose costly gifts for Jacqueline Fernandez and later used to drop it at her house after the payments were made by Sukesh Chandrashekhar.
ED sources say that they have recovered incriminating documents against Pinki in connection with Rs 200 crore PMLA case lodged against Sukesh Chandrashekhar. The source said that she will be named as an accused along with seven others in the supplementary charge sheet.