Pratapgarh: With the fifth phase of the assembly elections commencing today, SP candidate Gulshan Yadav's convoy from the Kunda assembly seat of Pratapgarh was allegedly attacked near Paharpur. The police have also reported damage to his car after the violent fight that flared up between the SP candidate and a supporter of the opposition party. A complaint has been registered on behalf of the SP candidate in concern, as informed by SP Rohit Mishra.
The incident occurred when Yadav came face to face with Sake Sardar, a supporter of opposition's Raghuraj Pratap Singh from the Kunda assembly. After exchanging a few words, the quarrel soon escalated into a physical fight, leading to damage to the SP leader's car. The local authorities present at the spot interfered into the matter, post which the quarrel let off some steam, and both of them were taken to their respective homes.
Some altercation with the SP District President has also been reported after the authorities' interference. According to District Election Officer Dr. Nitin Bansal, Gulshan Yadav some police officials have been deployed around the minister's house after the incident, while he has been reported to be completely safe and secured at his residence.
Also read: UP fifth phase polling: Another election day at 'village of twins'