Dakshina Kannada: Six accused have been arrested in connection with a moral policing case in the Surathkal town of Dakshina Kannada district, police said on Tuesday. The incident happened on Monday late at night, said the Surathkal police. The arrested persons have been identified as Prahlad, Prashanth, Guruprasad, Prateesh, Bharath, and Sukesh.
Two BSC students of Mukka Srinivas college were returning home at night when these six persons took the role of moral policing. The students comprised men and women, belonging to two faiths. While dropping her at her home Mohammad Yasin and his classmate, were stopped. According to police, Yasin was dropping the girl on his bike at her apartment at around 10 pm.
The accused persons spotted them near the apartment and inquired about the boy's name. The moment they understood that the victims belonged to a different religion they assaulted him for dropping the girl. They also threatened the girl and touched her inappropriately while assaulting Yasin. The victim later lodged a complaint against the accused persons. The police are investigating the matter further.
Also Read: Bajrang Dal members attack 'students of different faith for travelling together'
Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, while answering a question on rising cases of moral policing in Dakshina Kannada, had earlier stated that the responsibility lies with both parties and when sentiments are hurt there will be action and reactions. The statement was condemned by various organisations and thinkers who said Bommai's neutral comments would encourage those indulging in moral policing.