Pune: On the eve of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Pune, NCP chief Sharad Pawar on Saturday said the work of the Metro service to be inaugurated by the PM is incomplete, and underlined the need to focus more on rescuing Indian students stranded in war-hit Ukraine. The prime minister is scheduled to visit Pune on Sunday for the inauguration of the metro service and unveiling other projects.
“I agree that there are important projects in Pune that are incomplete and the PM will be inaugurating the important one….rescuing students stranded in Ukraine is more important. I think the ruling party must be thinking of it seriously,” Pawar said. He was speaking to reporters after inaugurating a hospital in the Warje area of the city. The Central government has launched “Operation Ganga” to rescue Indians stranded in Ukraine due to the Russian offensive.
Pawar had recently spoken to External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and requested him to expedite the efforts to bring back Indian students stranded along the Ukraine-Poland border at the earliest. Speaking on the plight of Indian students, Pawar on Saturday said that many students are suffering due to the war between Russia and Ukraine.
“I had spoken with an Indian student stranded there. He told me that the Indian embassy told them to cross the Ukraine border, which is a walk of six-odd hours from where this student is located.
“The students are ready to walk but extreme cold, bombarding and firing is a major cause of worry for them. I think the ruling party (read BJP) should focus on this. I agree that there are important projects in Pune that are incomplete and PM will be inaugurating the important one (I think) rescuing students stranded in Ukraine is more important. I think the ruling party must be thinking about it seriously,” the former Union minister said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Pune on March 6 to inaugurate the metro rail, unveil a statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in the civic body complex and commission other infrastructure projects, Maharashtra BJP chief Chandrakant Patil had said on Monday. PM Modi will also perform the groundbreaking ceremony of the riverfront development project, launch electric buses and inaugurate the R K Laxman Gallery, he had said.
The PM is likely to address a public meeting in the Kothrud area of the city. “Around a month ago, Metro officials showed me the route which will be inaugurated by PM Modi on Sunday. I had travelled on the same route around a month ago. I saw that the work is incomplete. I don’t have any objection (to Modi’s visit)…the work of Metro is incomplete but still, it will be inaugurated,” Pawar added.
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