New Delhi: Police on Friday registered a case after a cleric in central Delhi complained of having received threat calls twice, officials said. Shahi Imam of Fatehpuri Mosque in Chandni Chowk Mufti M Mukarram, in a complaint, alleged that he received the calls on his landline number on Tuesday and Thursday. However, details of the calls were not mentioned.
Also read: Udaipur: 4 held for sending death threats to youth who backed Nupur
A case under Sections 295A (deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs) and 506 (punishment for criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code has been registered on Friday at the Lahori Gate police station, Deputy Commissioner of Police (north) Sagar Singh Kalsi said. Investigation is underway, police said. (PTI)