Lucknow: Post Kanpur flareup on June 3, Uttar Pradesh police have beefed up security, especially during Friday prayers. Police have intensified vigil in Lucknow, Kanpur, Firozabad, Shahjehanpur and several other big cities of Uttar Pradesh. Sufficient firearms have been drawn from Lucknow armoury, besides vigil was being maintained on any suspicious activities through drones. Farrukhabad religious heads were asked to tell people to maintain restraint.
In the walled city of Lucknow, deployment of extra forces has been done. Sufficient firearms have been made available to police personnel. On Thursday, the police force conducted rehearsals at several sensitive places in Lucknow. Drone sorties are conducted on a regular basis to maintain law and order.
Read: Post Kanpur flareup: BJP Yuva Morcha leader arrested for provocative post
In Agra, the city has been divided into 12 zones and 67 sectors to maintain peace during Friday prayers. In these zones and sectors, police and administrative officials have been keeping a vigil. SSP Sudhir Kumar Singh said, "Each zone in the city is under the command of SP-rank officials. Magistrate rank officials have been deputed at the sector level. Thana level police have been asked to remain on patrolling duty. Police mobile teams have been constituted. Similarly, security arrangements have been tightened in Kanpur, Chitrakoot, Farrukhabad, Shahjehanpur, Bareilli and others.