New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday allowed interim bail of 5 days to journalist Siddique Kappan, who was arrested on the way to cover the Hathras gang-rape incident. The court has granted bail to meet his ailing mother in Kerala. The court ordered the UP police to escort Kappan to Kerala and asked the Kerala police to cooperate with the UP police in the matter.
The bench led by the Chief Justice of India, SA Bobde, was hearing a plea by Kerala Union of Working Journalists (KUWJ) who sought interim bail for Kappan as his mother is at a critical stage and is not likely to survive for long.
Earlier Video call's permission was given from the top court but it was not successful due to the critical health condition of his mother.
Senior Advocate Kapil Sibal, appearing for the union told the court that the mother of the journalist could not talk in the video call and also the doctors attending his mother have said that she will be alive for the next two to three days only.
Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, opposed the bail and said that medical urgency is being projected which is not fair. As far as he knows, the condition of his mother is not serious. Popular Front of India (PFI) is a banned organisation and the accused journalist has connection with that organisation which is accused of inciting communal violence. There were four such mothers which included one of Kappan, submitted SG.
Further, he informed the court that Kappan's wife has been collecting money for him as if he is a martyr. He is considered as the successor of Haji accused of massacre and if he goes to Kerala there will be political opinions, he might parade and gather support for himself.
The court ordered that they will be giving bail to Kappan as it would be appropriate to do so in such a situation but he shall not be giving any interviews to media, even on social media. He is not allowed not to meet anyone except his relatives and doctors.
Kerala police are directed to guard Kappan's house. SG said that this is just an emotional appeal and abuse of law.