New Delhi: The Supreme Court bench led by the Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud on Monday asked the states who had not filed reports on attacks against Christians, to file the report within the coming 4 weeks. The bench also comprising Justice PS Narasimha and Justice JB Pardiwala was informed by ASG Aishwarya Bhati today that except for Haryana, no state has filed a response.
AAG Garima Prasad, appearing for the state of UP, told the court that they have also filed their response. "The Chief Secretaries of remaining states are to share the information with the Ministry of Home Affairs within three weeks. List after four weeks," ordered the court. The court was hearing a petition seeking directions from the apex court to stop violence against the Christian community which has allegedly been under increasing attacks.
In the earlier hearing of the matter, the court had directed all the states to file an affidavit within two months detailing the registration of FIRs against such crime, investigations made, number of people arrested, and if a chargesheet has been filed. The court had said that the reports will help in ascertaining if Tehseen Poonawala's directions have been complied with or not.
The central government had opposed the petition in the court saying that the information on which the petitioner is lying is from selective self-serving sources wherein either false reports have been given or the incidents have been wrongfully projected. Court had also asked the petitioner how they were ascertaining that violence has been because of the person's community and not for any other reason.
The petitioner had stated that various churches and pastors were attacked and they had not only relied on reports but also had contacted the individuals. The court had then directed the government to verify the reports and asked states to submit a report.