Tumakuru: After the recent violence over Veer Sawarkar's flexies in Karnataka, Chief Minister Bommai said that the Savarkar Research Centre will be established at the Tumkuru University here. As per the latest development in the procedure for the establishment of this university, the university syndicate meeting has approved the decision and the preparations to submit a proposal in this regard to the government are underway.
Also read: Karnataka: Controversial banner with pictures of Godse, Savarkar removed
Speaking to the media in this regard in Tumkuru on Sunday, Basavaraj Bommai said that the final decision about the establishment of the Savarkar Research Centre rests with Tumakuru University. "If the university agrees, it will definitely be established," he reassured. After the syndicate meeting, the Chief Minister further stated that since the university has given its green signal to the idea of the Research Centre, the government will make sure it is provided with all the help. However, this decision has kicked up a fresh controversy around the establishment of the university, while the already existing row over the flexies has still not let steam off entirely yet.