Satara (Maharashtra): A robber sprayed dark paint on the CCTV camera and then blasted a Bank of Maharashtra ATM in the state's Satara district to loot over Rs 11 lakh early on Wednesday, police said. The incident occurred in Nagthane village around 2.45 a.m. when the robber with a rucksack and his face covered, entered the ATM, as the villagers slept.
Avoiding the CCTV to hide his identity, he sprayed some dark paint on it and then used some explosive material to blast one of the two ATM dispensers in the cabin. He managed to destroy one ATM and looted Rs 11.16 lakh from it while the other ATM suffered some damage only, said an official of Borgaon police station.
"The explosive materials are being examined and prima facie it appeared to be gelatin-based, but we can say only after full probe," said an official.From the pre-blast CCTV footage, the robber had entered the ATM around 2.30 a.m. and scooted with the looted amount in barely 15 minutes before anybody hearing the explosion could reach the spot. (IANS)