Rewa (Madhya Pradesh): Qawwali singer Sharif Parvaz's anti-national remarks during the Urs fair held at Mangawan town in Rewa district, put him on the radar of Madhya Pradesh police. The MP Police have registered an FIR under Sections 153, 505 (2), and 298 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), against Sharif Parvaz and he will be arrested soon.
ACP Shivkumar Verma said the video of the program went viral on March 28. "People also filed a complaint against Qawwali singer Sharif Parvaz and organizer of the Urs committee. The case was registered against the duo under Sections 153, 505 (2) and 298 of the IPC and the police team has been constituted to arrest them."
Before the start of the program, Qawwali singer Sharif Parvaz said suppose if the Almighty wishes the Hindustan's existence will be at stake and the country will be traceless (difficult to locate on the world map).