New Delhi: In a significant development, senior leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came together for a crucial meeting at Prime Minister Narendra Modi's residence on Wednesday night to deliberate on the strategy for the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Home Minister Amit Shah, party president JP Nadda, and party national general secretary BL Santosh, among others were present in the meeting that lasted for more than five hours.
Sources indicate that the meeting may have also encompassed discussions on a major reshuffle within the party. However, an official statement from the BJP is yet to be released regarding the outcomes of the meeting. It is worth noting that this meeting occurred shortly after Prime Minister Modi's return from the United States.
Prior to this gathering, Home Minister Amit Shah, JP Nadda, and BJP general secretary (organisation) BL Santhosh engaged in extensive deliberations on organizational and political matters. The marathon discussions held by these key figures set the stage for the subsequent meeting at the Prime Minister's residence.
Interestingly enough the Prime Minister, in his recent address had already announced the government's commitment to implementing a Uniform Civil Code nationwide making it obvious that the party is keen to implement its promises made in the agenda. This agenda has long been an integral part of the BJP's manifestos, and its mention further signifies the party's determination as the 2024 elections draw near.
The BJP's recent defeat in Karnataka has prompted the party to reassess its campaign approach for the forthcoming state elections scheduled later this year. Among the four crucial states heading to polls—Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Telangana, and Chhattisgarh—only Madhya Pradesh is currently governed by the BJP. The party aims to capitalize on the potential anti-incumbency factors in Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, and Telangana, while also utilising the revolving door trend to its advantage.
In a bid to strengthen its position ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP conducted a month-long mass connect exercise last month. Union ministers and senior organisational members actively participated in this outreach initiative, which served as a significant platform for the ruling party to garner support and consolidate its presence across the nation.