Bhilwara: Police have arrested one accused while eight more are absconding in connection with the thrashing of two youth and the burning of a motorcycle in Rajasthan's Bhilwara on Wednesday. The accused has been identified as Kanhaiya Puri while a search is on for the other accused including Vinay Pratap, Lokesh Singh, Rahul Mali, and Sattu Mali.
As per Superintendent of Police, Adarsh Sidhu, the two youths, residents of Sanganer, were sitting near Karbala in Sanganer at 10 pm on Wednesday when bike-borne masked men beat up both of them and assaulted them with swords, rods, and sticks and raised slogans. A bike was also set on fire, which, however, was saved from being gutted completely as the fire was brought under control immediately.
The injured were admitted to the district hospital even as one of the victim's brothers lodged a complaint with the Subhashnagar police station. Preliminary interrogation of the accused revealed that the accused had planned the attack in response to various posts being put up on social media. According to Subhash Nagar Police Station, a case has been registered under sections 147, 148, 149, 153 (a) 307, 427, and 435 of IPC and arrested one accused and searching for others.
Also read: Masked men attack two citizens in Bhilwara, administration suspends internet services