Kota: The Excise Department officials have seized around 1000 liquor cartons worth Rs 50 lakhs near Suket in Rajasthan's Kota. The cartons were recovered from a container at Suket toll block on National Highway 52 between Kota to Jhalawar on Thursday night. The container driver, 30-year-old Bhanwarlal, a resident of Barmer, has been arrested in the case and is going to be presented in court.
According to officials, the liquor was being taken to Gujarat. Some sacks of earthworm manure were kept in the container to dodge the illegal liquor. Kota District Excise Officer K Durga Shankar Meena said that they had received information from an informer that a large quantity of illicit liquor would be taken to Gujarat through a container along the National Highway 52.
Meena said that the liquor has been made in Punjab, but its duty has been deposited in Delhi. Ramganjmandi PO Prahlad Rajput of the Excise Department said that they recovered 9 brands of liquor-4 brands of beer and five brands of whiskey.
Also read: Illegal liquor seized in Rajasthan