Jaipur: Rajasthan ATS has detained two persons for allegedly fomenting communal tensions in Tonk and Sawai Madhopur areas late Friday night. As per officials, the accused from whose possession the ATS has recovered incriminating material, have been shifted to ATS headquarters Jaipur where they are being interrogated. According to the ATS sources, the first suspect was arrested during a raid on a house near Raj Talkies in Kotwali police station area of Tonk district.
The detained person is said to be a habitual offender who works to mislead people and spread communal hysteria through social media, the sources said. The second accused was arrested from Mirza Mohalla of Sawai Madhopur. Mobile phones and other electronic devices of both the detained suspects have also been seized. The authorities are cracking down on suspects after a t terrorist module was busted in Bihar.
Also read: Rajasthan ATS seizes large quantity of equipments used in making bombs