Pulwama (J&K): A Railway police officer injured in a terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir's (J&K) Pulwama district, succumbed to critical injuries in a city hospital on Saturday. J&K Police said, "Sub-Inspector Dev Raj, who was injured in Kakapora area of Pulwama district in the militant attack on Monday, succumbed in the hospital on Saturday morning."
Sub-Inspector Dev Raj and Head Constable Surinder Kumar were injured in firing by terrorists in Kakapora area on Monday. The Head Constable had died on the spot while the Sub-Inspector was shifted to Srinagar's SMHS hospital for treatment where he survived till Saturday morning. The sub-inspector was being treated in ICU ward 17 of SMHS.
Police have already registered a case in this regard and further investigation is underway.
Read: One RPF trooper killed, another injured in Pulwama militant attack