Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu): The Department of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) in Tamil Nadu conducted raids against former minister and AIADMK leader SP Velumani on Tuesday morning. The search operations were conducted in 58 places across Tamil Nadu which were associated with Velumani.
DVAC also registered a case of disproportionate assets against Velumani and his associates for possession of disproportionate assets to the tune of Rs 58.93 crores. Searches are underway in multiple places by DVAC sleuths.
According to the FIR lodged by DVAC, Velumani had visited Maldives, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and the UK. His family members also have visited several countries. DVAC suspects that Velumani could have acquired assets in those countries and a probe is on in this regard. This is the second time, Velumani is under the radar of DVAC. Earlier last year DVAC conducted similar raids in places associated with him.
Also read: DVAC sleuths raid former TN minister SP Velumani's residence