New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has scheduled his first press conference following his disqualification from the Lok Sabha. The presser is set to begin at 1 pm, and it marks Gandhi's first public appearance after a Gujarat court found him guilty in a criminal defamation case and sentenced him to two years in jail on Thursday.
Gandhi's loss of MP status is a significant blow to the Congress party, as he was one of its most prominent leaders. In his first comments after disqualification, Gandhi stated that he is willing to "pay any price" in the fight for the voice of India. He took to Twitter to make his statement, which was written in Hindi, on Thursday.
Gandhi's disqualification has resulted in his former Wayanad seat becoming vacant, which could lead to a bypoll. This situation further complicates matters for the Congress party, which has been struggling to maintain its foothold in the Indian political landscape.
Gandhi was found guilty of defamation on Thursday for a 2019 campaign remark suggesting that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was a criminal. He made the statement in Karnataka's Kolar, after which numerous complaints were lodged against him in various states. The Surat court that convicted Gandhi granted him bail for 30 days to allow him to appeal the decision.
Gandhi's conviction has sparked a heated debate in Indian political circles, with some supporting him and others condemning his actions. The controversy has also brought the issue of freedom of speech to the forefront of public discourse.
In his first comment after the verdict, Gandhi tweeted a quote from Mahatma Gandhi, stating that his religion is based on truth and non-violence. He emphasized that truth is his God, and non-violence is the means to achieve it.
The press conference that Gandhi has scheduled for this afternoon is likely to be closely watched by the media and the public, as it may shed further light on his future political plans. Despite his disqualification, Gandhi remains a prominent figure in Indian politics, and his opinions and actions will continue to shape the country's political landscape.