Chandigarh: Six persons have been arrested for allegedly bribing some state taxation officials in order to evade taxes on goods, police said on Tuesday. These persons were bribing the state taxation officials who in turn were giving them escape routes to evade taxes, said a spokesperson of the bureau. The economic offences wing of the bureau arrested Balwinder Singh, Sachin Kumar Luthra, Pawan Kumar, Ajay Kumar, Randhir Singh and Avtar Singh.
In this case, some officers of the taxation department had already been arrested. The spokesperson informed that these accused were actively involved in this nexus of passing vehicles belonging to different states, carrying iron scrap or furnished goods without paying requisite amount of GST in connivance with GST officials of the taxation department. In lieu of the help by state taxation officers, the accused used to give them hefty bribes on a monthly basis. (PTI)