Puducherry: The cabinet formation in the Union Territory happened on Sunday with five ministers taking oath at Raj Nivas, the official residence of the governor. The newly formed coalition government of NR Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party led by N Rangasamy submitted its cabinet list to Lt. Governor (additional charge) Tamilisai Soundarrajan on Wednesday. The President of India had approved the list of new ministers on Friday.
Three from NR Congress and two from BJP found a place in the cabinet. Lakshmi Narayana, Theni Jayakumar and Chandira Priyanga are the three ministers from NR Congress while Namasivayam and Sai Saravanan are the other two from BJP.
Interestingly, 31-year-old Chandra Priyanka has become the first women minister in Puducherry since 1980. The two time MLA from Nedungadu assembly constituency, Chandira Priyanga is the daughter of former minister Chandrakasu. Late Renuka Appadurai of Congress was the last woman minister in Puducherry.
Also Read: BJP's Embalam R Selvam sworn in as Puducherry Assembly Speaker