Vaishali: In a shocking incident, an undertrial prisoner in Hajipur divisional jail located in Bihar's Vaishali district, on Sunday was sent to the hospital in a handcuffed state after his death earlier on the same day.
The deceased has been identified as Rajkishore Shah, a resident of Chaksale village under Hajipur's Lalganj Police Station area, was lodged in jail since February 16 and died due to illness on Sunday. As per information, this was followed by jail officials handcuffing the deceased and sending him to the district hospital under the guise of Shah being sick.
The jail administration, as per sources, wrote a letter to Kishore's family after him being taken to the hospital, instead of instantly informing after his death.
Doctors at the hospital noted that Shah was found dead on arrival.
"The prisoner was already dead when he arrived", Doctor Shashank, who diagnosed Shah, said to ETV Bharat, further attesting to the fact that the former was already handcuffed. "The police had brought him in that (handcuffed) manner," he also said.
He further said that no treatment of any kind had taken place for Shah.