Srinagar: Police rescued 52 tourists stranded due to snowfall at Parihaas Doodhpathri in Jammu and Kashmir's Budgam district on Thursday, an official said. The police received information that some tourists were stuck at Parihaaas Doodhpathri due to the sudden snowfall, a police spokesperson said.
Accordingly, a team from Khansahib police station and personnel deployed on guard duty at Tangnar Doodhpathri were deputed for the rescue mission, he said. The rescued tourists were provided with the necessary assistance and later shifted to safe accommodations at Tangnar Budgam, the spokesperson said.
Similar help was provided to the needy in the district's other locations, including Yousmarg and Khag, among others. The rescued tourists expressed their gratitude towards the police for their timely help, the spokesperson added. (PTI)