New Delhi: A day after Special Investigation Team (SIT) found that the Lakhimpur Kheri killings were a planned attack, Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury on Wednesday demanded the resignation of MoS Home Ajay Mishra Teni, whose son is allegedly involved in mowing down four protesting farmers.
Teni's son, Ashish Mishra, is involved in the Lakhimpur Kheri incident, which took the lives of eight people including four farmers, earlier in October.
"If PM Modi has even an iota of devotion for Ganga Mata, he must advise his minister (Ajay Misra Teni) to resign or he himself should decide & sack him. I think it'll further enhance his image because he's working on image makeover right now," said Chowdhury.
Meanwhile, commenting on the SIT calling the Lakhimpur Kheri incident a planned conspiracy to kill protesting farmers, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Wednesday alleged that the BJP views everything through the lens of religion.
"As elections approach, BJP wears religious spectacles and sees everything on the basis of religion...BJP should suspend their MoS Home (Ajay Mishra)", said Yadav. Earlier, Rahul Gandhi and several other leaders had moved an adjournment motion in the House, demanding the removal of Teni over the Lakhimpur Kheri incident.
In his letter to Secretary-General of Lok Sabha, Gandhi said, "I hereby give notice of my intention to ask for leave to move a motion for the adjournment of the business of the house for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent importance namely: the UP Police SIT report has highlighted that massacre of farmers at Lakhimpur was a pre-planned conspiracy and not a negligent act."
The Uttar Pradesh police have arrested three people, including Ashish Mishra