New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday paid tributes to iconic singer Lata Mangeshkar on her birth anniversary. He said a chowk in Ayodhya will be named after her on Wednesday, which he added will be a fitting tribute to her. He tweeted, "Remembering Lata Didi on her birth anniversary. There is so much that I recall the innumerable interactions in which she would shower so much affection. I am glad that today, a Chowk in Ayodhya will be named after her. It is a fitting tribute to one of the greatest Indian icons." Born in 1929, Mangeshkar ruled the playback singing for decades. She died in February this year. (PTI)
PM Modi pays tributes to Lata Mangeshkar
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said a chowk in Ayodhya will be named after her on Wednesday.
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday paid tributes to iconic singer Lata Mangeshkar on her birth anniversary. He said a chowk in Ayodhya will be named after her on Wednesday, which he added will be a fitting tribute to her. He tweeted, "Remembering Lata Didi on her birth anniversary. There is so much that I recall the innumerable interactions in which she would shower so much affection. I am glad that today, a Chowk in Ayodhya will be named after her. It is a fitting tribute to one of the greatest Indian icons." Born in 1929, Mangeshkar ruled the playback singing for decades. She died in February this year. (PTI)