Pune: Temporarily shutting down the one-of-its-kind 'sky dining' restaurant in the city, the Pimpri Chinchwad police on Monday gave orders for the restaurant to remain closed until further notification. The officials cited that the restaurant authorities do not have the required licenses, and it is also dangerous to provide food at a height of 120 feet.
Restaurant owner Akash Jadhav has however denied the allegations, clarifying that the restaurant is being operated with all safety precautions. "We started the hotel in an attempt to provide a unique dining experience to our customers. That's when the concept of sky dining struck me. There were only two places to enjoy sky dining across the country. So I thought of introducing it here, and we did it with all precautionary measures and permissions," Jadhav said.
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The hotel, recently opened in the Kasar Sai area of Maval taluka in Pune, can seat 22 people at a time. When they go up to 120 feet, the table rotates 360 degrees. The diners are given all the information about wearing seat belts and safety rules to be followed while at the restaurant. The restaurant offers both veg and non-veg delicacies in this hotel.