Uttarkashi (Uttarakhand): Pilgrims were jostling for space to have a glimpse of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's lookalike PV Singh, a Haridwar resident, who was spotted at Gangotri Dham on Tuesday, a video of which has gone viral on social media. Jubilant PV Singh was wearing a saffron colour dress and also waving to the crowd. Singh was also donning a Himachali cap. People clicked selfies with him and also exchanged pleasantries.
Sanjeev Semwal, Gangotri Dham Tirtha priest, said, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi's lookalike had come to Gangotri Dham to pay obeisance to Maa Ganga. He worshipped Maa Ganga and was looking happy after performing the religious rituals. People greeted and also clicked selfies with them. PM Modi's lookalike obliged everybody." PM Narendra Modi's other lookalike is a Saharanpur resident whose name is Abhinandan Pathak.
Meanwhile, more than 20 lakh devotees have undertaken world fame Char Dham Yatra in Uttarakhand so far. In view of the huge footfall of pilgrims, extra counters have been opened at Haridwar for registration purpose.