Gandhinagar (Gujarat): Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday took a dig at Congress saying that during their rule in Gujarat people used to fear the possibility of riots when the Rath Yatra procession was taken out. "During Congress rule, when Rath Yatra was taken out, people used to fear that there'll be riots. During that time, they also tried to take the chariot, but ever since the people of Gujarat chose BJP as their government no one has the power to do anything bad," said Amit Shah in Gandhinagar, he is scheduled to take part in the Rath Yatra celebrations.
Shah performed the 'Mangal Aarti' at Shree Jagannath Mandir ahead of the 145th Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra on Thursday. Earlier today, Amit Shah attended the inauguration event of Shree Swaminarayan University's admission block and 750-bed PSM hospital's foundation stone laying ceremony at Saij village in Gandhinagar.
Also read: Gujarat: Muslim women paint picture of National Unity ahead of Rath Yatra
The Ratha Yatra, also known as the Chariot Celebration of Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra, and Lord Balabhadra, is the most prominent Hindu festival in the Puri city of Odisha. This festival takes place every year on the second day of the Shukla Paksha in the months of June or July. This year the festival falls on July 1. (ANI)