New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a passenger's mobile caught fire mid-air on IndiGo's Dibrugarh-Delhi flight on Thursday, but alert cabin crew put off it with a fire extinguisher, according to officials of aviation regulator Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). However, no one was injured, including cabin crew, in the incident, DGCA officials said.
The flight 6E 2037 was heading towards Delhi from Dibrugarh when a cabin crew member saw sparks and smoke emitting from a passenger's phone, officials noted. The fire was then extinguished by the cabin crew member using a fire extinguisher, they said. The aircraft landed safely at the Delhi airport around 12.45 pm on Thursday, they stated. In a statement, IndiGo said, "There was an incident of smoke from a mobile device on flight 6E 2037 from Dibrugarh to Delhi. The crew is trained to manage hazardous incidences and they quickly managed the situation. There was no harm caused to any passenger or property onboard."
Read: IndiGo flight makes emergency landing at Nagpur airport due to 'technical snag', DGCA orders probe