New Delhi: Multiple members from Opposition parties in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have issued notices to the Chair seeking a discussion on the deteriorating situation in Manipur, in the ongoing Monsoon session which is washed out completely on the first two day sittings beginning from Thursday. The Opposition parties have been mounting their attack on the rulign BJP in Centre and in the strife-torn north east state, in Parliament.
On Monday, Congress MP Ranjeet Ranjan has moved a Suspension of Business Notice in Rajya Sabha under Rule 267 and demanded a discussion on Manipur. The debate will be on the "persistent failure of both the Union and Manipur Government in resolving the issues and facilitating the peace process and grave matter of atrocities against women resulting from the ongoing violence in Manipur," the notice read.
Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MP Manoj Kumar Jha, Communist Party of India (CPI) MP Binoy Viswam, DMK MP Tiruchi Siva, Aam Aadmi Party MPs Sanjay Singh, and Raghav Chaddha are among those who have issued Suspension of Business Notice in the Upper House and have pressed for debate on the Manipur situation.
Congress Lok Sabha MP Manickam Tagore, and his party colleague Manish Tewari have submitted their adjournment motion notices proposing a discussion on the situation prevailing in the northeastern state. Tewari has sought the Lok Sabha chair to Zero Hour, Question Hour, and other businesses of the day in view of the proposed discussion regarding the "ongoing ethnic clashes."
The Parliament convened for Monsoon Session began its sitting on July 20 and has been witnessing noisy scenes inside both Houses as the ruling party was not willing to concede to the demand from the Opposition that the Prime Minister should make an elaborate statement in both the Houses and the same should be followed by a debate. The government, in turn, has offered a statement from Home Minister Amit Shah in the House.